Thursday, July 06, 2006
The just shall live by faith (Rm 1:17)....That's how Ps Mark started off his preaching on last Sunday. I enjoyed the message very much. He's so c0mical, and real. I like this part he said "When U r at peace wif God, even ur enemies will be at Peace wif U as God will turn EVERYTHING, d whole situation around 4 U". OH man, isn't God Good. I juz love Jesus !

On d CROSS, HE can righteously bless Us, we dun have to ask God but we have Authority over everything and every situation. Amen! Ooooo....How not to fall in Love wif Him...

Here a chinese song which reflect my feelings....He's My Peace, My Comfort, My Healer, He bore my sins, my pains, my stress, my disappointment....HE TOUCH MY HEART!

耶稣诚然担当 我们的优患 背负我们痛苦
耶稣为我们的过犯受害 为我们的罪孽压伤
因你受的刑罚 我们得平安
因你受的鞭伤 我们得医治 完全得医治
* 感谢耶稣 我的救主 我得平安 我得医治
我的耶稣 爱我的主 你的恩典 深触我心


posted by Cynthia雯 at 2:02 PM | Permalink |

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