Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Time really flies. Matt is 23mths gg 24 mths in August. He is a smart boy. In terms of speech, he is slower. I know people are concern but I'm not at all worried. To me, he is showing some progress. I believe he is juz like his older brother and sister. They register words in their brain and then one fine day... sentences will juz shoot out from their mouth. As far as I'm concern, he can call us (PaPa, Me, Gong gong, ....). When he wants milk, he will say "nan nan", "我要", "Yes". Most impt is that he understands what we say. Above all, we trust God for his progress in all areas. "Let Go and Let God" --- It works always as God never fails us.

This is a pic of Me and my PaPa

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posted by Cynthia雯 at 3:27 PM | Permalink |

2 love me:

  • At July 04, 2006 11:12 PM, Blogger Daughters of Sarah

    Remember? Once they start talking they can be well compared with 'living radio' .....thank God for His perfect timing. Amen?

  • At July 05, 2006 9:23 AM, Blogger dorcas

    matthias is speaking more than joseph. joseph dun even call papa n mama, which is why my paediatrician went ballistic and insists on referring him to a speech therapist.

    at the moment joseph only says okay, ouch, a few numbers (six, eight, ten), G (alphabet),and follwing some lyrics of songs familiar to him.

    trusting the Lord for joseph's speedy learning, amen!