Saturday, July 01, 2006
ReSorT + SwiMmiNg

We've been talking abt d Animal resort recently. Today, we finally bring our kids together wif Lee's and Wong's. Our kids were excited.
We meet in d morning to have our Breakfast at the famous Jalan Kayu Roti Prata, then proceed to d animal resort. The kids get to feed the rabbits, goose, tortoise....etc....Little Matt initially was scared of d rabbit (his 1st time seeing it) but later was ok wif it. When we see d Woodstock, we laughed as we remembered JOSH encounter wif it. Poor chap! (woodstock, I mean) all alone to itself while d rest of d animals have company.
After d resort, we proceed to Ada's condo for a swim. The pool was nice and windy. We have a good time of fellowship. The kids enjoyed the most playing wif each other. We have such good times to enjoy together as a family. It's good to unwind n relax. Praise God for everything.


posted by Cynthia雯 at 3:46 PM | Permalink |

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