Monday, August 14, 2006
Grey Hair Worries

This article is taken from "breadbits".

Clodpole and Nitwit had not seen each other for a long time. One day, they bumped into each other. Clodpole was surprised to see that Nitwit's hair had half turned grey.

"Your hair is turning grey. What happened?" Clodpole asked.
"oh, you do not know. I have a lot to worry about," Nitwit sighed.
"What exactly do you have to worry about?" Clodpole asked.
"I worry about my hair turning grey!" answered Nitwit.
"So, the more you worry about your grey hair, the more grey hair you have, and the more you worry about it," said a bemused Clodpole.
"Yes, exactly!" said Nitwit.

Alot of times in our daily lives, we tend to worry alot, some of U a little bit. Whatever measures it is, it is still worrying. The Bible says in Mt 6:25 "Do not worry about 2morrow....". By worrying will not help U in anyway, why not follow what the Bibles says and Let God take care of your Cares...etc. Also, from the above scenario, it is very obvious that this person Nitwit has focus on the wrong thing. He's been focusing on his grey hair. I remember one of Ps prince message about Focusing right, ie, Put Our Focus on Jesus, Focus on His Finished Work, Focus on us being Righteous becos of what Christ had done on d Cross. God's ways are so simple but alot of times, we tends to help Him which is very unnecessary or rather redundant. U may not like to hear dis, many a times, we like to act "smart" but it was juz another "foolish" act...Selah =]
p.s. whatever reflected above is of my personal thought, not against anyone.


posted by Cynthia雯 at 2:17 PM | Permalink |

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