Friday, July 28, 2006
I will follow you ....

For those who cannot view my Yahoo!360° blog. here's the story ......
gif animation
Matthias cry when I ( or even Cynthia or grandparents) leave the house. At this age, he will try to follow you everywhere, even into the bathroom. Haha ….

When I reach home, he will start following me; I go up to the bedroom, he follows and I go to toilet, he follows. (I will follow you (follow you) Follow you wherever you may go (uuuu) ……….There isn't an ocean too deep Or mountain so high it can keep Keep us away ) . Sometimes it feels like you have no privacy; you have a "super glue baby" clinging to your leg. But it is a good sign that your baby's brain can now remember images that are not in view. Before that was like "out of sight, out of mind"; now he can remember that you are out of sight and he misses you.

Last nite, I bought Carlin to tuition. As usual, to prevent him from seeing us leave the house, we have to play either 1) ‘hide and seek’ game, or 2) blocking game, once the wall is formed, I leopard crawl out …. ( army training is very useful) . If not hor … I tell u …there will be Rama Drama again. Cry until jia lat jia lat kind.

When I was out and on the way, my wife SMs me saying that he was searching for me and then suddenly shoot one question, ‘where is pa pa?’ . This is thrilling becos he haven’t start talking in sentences yet. Hmmm ....! he is so adorable.

Drawn by Don.

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posted by jOHnsOn 强 at 1:25 PM | Permalink |

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