Sunday, January 21, 2007
Year of New Beginning

:: I was much heartened by Pastor's message on Year of New Beginnings. Yes. New beginnings.

:: We have our NE zone server nite gather last Sat. Our table got 1st for games, so i went up to rec'v the prizes.

:: Later we have couple games, total 5 couples went up on stage ( we are one of them) The game was about asking questions about your spouse, like what is your wife favourite color, food etc. what is yr husband weight, hobby etc. I didn't get all correct ( my wife guessed all correct ) , but overall we still won. wahaha .... so collect prizes again.

:: That nite, unknown to me, the church presented me the long service award for serving 10 ten yrs as CGL. So again, i went up to rec'v token of appreciation from PL. PL 1st word, "wow... tonite u took all the prizes". LOL. but later she say " more good years" . Amen!

:: Yes , new beginning is beginning.


posted by jOHnsOn 强 at 4:00 PM | Permalink |

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