Friday, May 26, 2006
warming up

i cannot imagine that i'm blogging in the middle of a course. I'm attending a SQL server course and while other people are doing their lab and practises, i am busy blogging ( event others stop). The Instructor must be thinking this guy very ssss.....slooowwww man.

ok ..... to continue on e introduction of myself. My name is Dad Johnson, the HEAD of the Lee family.( but my wife is the neck that turn the head, wahaha ...)
i am a nice guy u know and apart from kindness, gentleness, loving, patience, honest, orderly and huromorus there ain't really much good virtues in me. As I say before I keep low profile. Don't call me to preach, teach or sing, though i love to sing, they call me the 'cantonese song king'.

ok, warming up first, so talk those 'wo ah mo ah', have don't have thing. Got to go and finish up the lab practise.


posted by jOHnsOn 强 at 9:17 AM | Permalink |

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