Friday, December 14, 2007
This video is created for Carlin.

Happy Birthday!

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posted by jOHnsOn 强 at 9:43 AM | Permalink |

1 love me:

  • At February 11, 2008 10:29 PM, Blogger SO blessed

    Thank you Carlin! Thru your photos, they have reminded me that whatever challenges that I'm facing or going thru, they are nothing compared to what you've gone thru. It is indeed Jesus' grace that surrounds us & brought us thus far.

    Thanks Johnson & Cynthia for sharing with us those precious photos. I'm so touched that i juz want to cry. So many times, we juz took for granted many things, many loved ones around us that we did not treasure.

    Despite that tiny darling of yours being hooked up with so many tubes, i remembered both of u did not give up. Both of u were always so positive & full of smiles. I know it must have been His Grace & strength that have seen both of u thru.

    Thank you!
